星期六, 6月 19, 2004

it's another day

sigh.. another day~ a day approaching my exams~ a bit moody today~ called julie and told her that things has came to an end.. she is happy for me and I myself oso happy but cannot deny my struggles within... Never touch books today, wonder how i gonna pass my exams this semester~ my soul is not with me.. what can i do? give myself extra pressure? sigh still the same I won't move

Very thirsty now but lazy to go out and pour water.. enjoy silent times here.. dun wanna walk out of my door~ LazY SaY la so many XcuSe..

I think I am going insane~ I am talking to myself here* Wonder if he will still come online~ dun think so lah~

Later have to study LaW~ or continue with my fight with DS.. erm Law lah since first exam is Law.. oklah.. time to study*

自說自話 <一隻熊> @ 8:23 下午



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